In 1961, we started out designing bridges in Topeka, Kansas. Today, CFS performs inspection, design and construction phase services for thousands of bridges throughout the Midwest. Whether it’s a complex design for a separated highway or a simple pedestrian bridge or stream crossing, CFS will determine and execute the most suitable design and construction approach. We utilize the latest in structural analysis and design tools in order to achieve the safest, most efficient bridge design. In addition, CFS has provided load rating and biennial inspection services for thousands of existing bridges. We perform structural inspections on over 800 bridges each year.
Sheridan Drive Bridge Replacement
Fairway, Kansas
CFS Engineers performed a hydraulic analysis for replacing the deteriorating triple-arch bridge with a ConSpan replacement structure. The proposed bridge would be faced with simulated cut limestone block facing to match the aesthetics of the existing triple arch structure that was made from corrugated arches faced with cut stone masonry. The City of Fairway only has two large bridges within the city-limits, and the residents were very concerned with aesthetics, flooding and construction down-time to replace the structure.
CFS ran HEC-RAS models of the existing and proposed bridges over Rock Creek using the data available from the 2009 Northeast Johnson County Watershed Study. CFS prepared full construction plans along with bridge hydraulics and structural reports for the project, and assisted the City of Fairway with bidding and construction administrative services. CFS scope also included:
» Alternative Structure Evaluation
» Cost Optimization
» HEC-RAS Modeling
» Traffic Control
» Utility Relocation
2020 APWA Public Works
Project of the Year - Transportation Projects
Under $5 Million
St. Joseph Bridges
St. Joseph, Missouri
The City of St. Joseph solicited proposals from qualified firms to design a program of bridge replacements and repairs, recently funded by a voter-approved, general obligation bond program. Construction is anticipated to be financed with these local funds.
The city directed designs be compliant with the Bridge Replacement – Off System program requirements for eligible locations – not for construction but for the generation of in-kind credits. CFS was selected for four of the structures.
The bridge on Huntoon Road was constructed in 1930 with a 220 ADT, currently load rated at 15 tons with restrictions to one lane. The existing bridge length is 32’ and we are proposing it be replaced with a 37’ double cell concrete box structure that will accommodate 2 lanes of traffic with sidewalks on both sides.
The 6th Street Viaduct was constructed in 1983 spanning the BNSF line with a 23,450 ADT (heavy truck traffic). CFS is developing a design to address settlement of the approach slabs, expansion joints, and settlement and separation of the Jersey barrier curb. This work is requiring coordination with BNSF in order to maintain proper clearances and safety allowances within the project.
The McArthur Drive bridge was constructed in 1947 spanning a BNSF track with a 500 ADT. It is a 4’ span continuous steel girder bridge with a 40-ton rating. CFS is designing Improvements that include rehabilitation of the bearings, removal of the narrow sidewalk and concrete railing and adding a beam rail and widening sidewalk overhang to 5’ with a fencing element for pedestrian safety. Since there is not a detour route available for this location the design will accommodate phased construction.
The 5th Avenue bridge was constructed in 1970 as a three-span bridge of 120’ spanning the former Chicago Great Western with a 2,000 ADT. Rated at 20 tons, it now spans a combined sewer overflow pipe structure as well as a branch of the Urban Trail. CFS is designing a steel arch structure and lowering the overall profile of the road. The structure will carry 2 - 12’ lanes and sidewalks on each side of the road.
Eight Mile Creek Bridge
Douglas County, Kansas
This project involved the survey, analysis, design, and plan production for the replacement of a rural county bridge over Eight Mile Creek in Douglas county Kansas.
Lidar survey as well as traditional topographic and boundary survey was utilized. Hydraulic analysis was performed using HEC-RAS. Wetlands and a floodplain mitigation will be necessary as well as procurement of additional rights of way and easements.

Cross Creek Pedestrian Bridge
Grain Valley, Missouri
This project included the construction of a 95’ long Prefabricated Pratt Steel Truss Pedestrian Bridge over the Blue Branch Creek in Jackson County, Missouri. The bridge supports a 10-foot wide future trail as part of the Grain Valley Parks and Recreation phased trail system. This component of the trail system will provide thousands of local residents immediate trail access and transportation to the connected City facilities such schools and future parks. Access Roads and easement for the bridge required extensive coordination with the City, MoDOT and the existing land-owner. This project was primarily funded under the federal Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) and administered by MoDOT under LPA delivery. Therefore all MoDOT environmental and cultural requirements had to be coordinated and cleared during the design phase of the project. CFS assisted the City from inception through design phases and continued to support during construction through to the opening of the bridge.
Bridge Inspections
Because of our extensive experience in the bridge market, we are highly familiar with the requirements and specifications for this project. The personnel assigned to this project are bridge engineers and/or certified Bridge Inspectors. With 3 certified Bridge Inspectors, our firm has developed lasting relationships with cities and counties that have come to associate CFS with bridge inspection and engineering. Each individual is well versed in the bridge inspection field. This knowledge will allow our team to effectively manage projects, oversee inspection and documentation procedures, coordinate the information and produce useable and easily manageable data for sites.
Bridge Inspections have been provided for the following locations:
» City of Atchison, Kansas
» City of Eudora, Kansas
» City of Fairway, Kansas
» City of Ottawa, Kansas
» Anderson County, Kansas
» Brown County, Kansas
» Chase County, Kansas
» Chautauqua County, Kansas
» Clay County, Kansas
» Coffey County, Kansas
» Crawford County, Kansas
» Franklin County, Kansas
» Harper County, Kansas

» KDWP - Flint Hills Trail
» Labette County, Kansas
» Marion County, Kansas
» Morris County, Kansas
» Neosho County, Kansas
» Osage County, Kansas
» Pottawatomie County, Kansas
» Sumner County, Kansas
» Wabaunsee County, Kansas
» Washington County, Kansas
» Wilson, County, Kansas
» Woodson County, Kansas